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#101 : Il était une fois…

Alors qu'il enquête sur le meurtre d'une étudiante, Nick commence à avoir d'étranges visions. Sa tante mourante lui apprend qu'il est le descendant d'une lignée de chasseurs appelés "Grimm" ayant pour but de maintenir l'équilibre entre les humains et les créatures mythologiques.

Conte de référence

Le Petit Chaperon Rouge



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Il était une fois…

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making off - spoilers


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Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell)

Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell)

Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) et Nick (David Giuntoli)

Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) et Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch)

Nick (David Giuntoli), Le facteur (Tim Bagley) et Hank (Russell Hornsby)

Nick (David Giuntoli), Le facteur (Tim Bagley) et Hank (Russell Hornsby)

Figurines chez le facteur

Figurines chez le facteur

La cuisine chez le facteur

La cuisine chez le facteur

Le facteur (Tim Bagley)

Le facteur (Tim Bagley)

Figurine chez le facteur

Figurine chez le facteur

Le facteur (Tim Bagley)

Le facteur (Tim Bagley)

Butbad (Wesen)

Butbad (Wesen)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Robin Howell (Sophia Mitri Schloss)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Robin Howell (Sophia Mitri Schloss)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Robin Howell (Sophia Mitri Schloss)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Robin Howell (Sophia Mitri Schloss)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Hank (Russell Hornsby)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Hank (Russell Hornsby)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) et Nick (David Giuntoli)

Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) et Nick (David Giuntoli)

Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell)

Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell)

Hank (Russell Hornsby) et Nick (David Giuntoli)

Hank (Russell Hornsby) et Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell)

Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Un Hässlich (Wesen) et Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Un Hässlich (Wesen) et Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Marie Kessler (Kate Burton)

Sylvie Oster (Joy Flatz)

Sylvie Oster (Joy Flatz)

Hässlich (Wesen)

Hässlich (Wesen)

Un Hässlich (Wesen) et Nick (David Giuntoli)

Un Hässlich (Wesen) et Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Voitures de police

Voitures de police

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Hank (Russell Hornsby)

Hank (Russell Hornsby)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Hank (Russell Hornsby)

Nick (David Giuntoli) et Hank (Russell Hornsby)

Voitures de police

Voitures de police


Logo de la chaîne NT1

France (inédit)
Vendredi 11.01.2013 à 20:45
0.49m / 1.8% (Part)

Plus de détails

Scénario : David Greenwalt, Jim Kouf et Stephen Carpenter

Réalisation : Marc Buckland



  • Tim Bagley : Le Facteur
  • Claire Coffee : Adalind Schade
  • Ayanna Berkshire : Dr. Rose
  • Kate Burton : Marie Kessler
  • Casey Vann : Le Skalengeck au commissariat


  • Joy Flatz : Sylvie Oster, la fille dévorée
  • Sophia Mitri Schloss : Robin Howell, la petite fille disparue
  • Tierra Valentine : Camarade de Chambre de Sylvie Oster
  • Burl Ross : Le garde forestier
  • Danny Hernandez : Hulda
  • Julie Vhay : La mère de Robin
  • Mark Lewis : Le grand-père de Robin

Une jeune fille portant un blouson rouge part faire son jogging dans la forêt. Pendant qu'elle court, elle remarque une figurine posé sur un tronc d'arbre. En voulant la prendre, elle est soudainement attaqué par une ombre qui la plaque brusquement au sol. Des cris de la jeune fille se font entendrent ainsi que des bruits d'animaux. Son lecteur mp3 reste sur le sol en diffusant la musique « Sweet Dreams ».

Nick Burkhardt sort d'une bijouterie avec une bague de fiançailles. En discutant avec son partenaire, Hank qui lui annonce qu'ils ont un appel, il remarque une femme qui prend provisoirement l'apparence d'une sorcière.

Nick et Hank se rendent dans la forêt où la jeune fille a été attaqué. Ils découvrent les parties du corps et en conclut que c'est une femme puisqu'elle portait des chaussures roses. Puis ils découvrent également une empreinte de pas. Ensuite, ils se rendent compte que la scène ressemble beaucoup à une attaque de lynx qui a eu lieu dans la ville voisine il y a un mois. Soudain, Nick entend la musique « Sweet Dreams ». Hank lui explique qu'a l'époque, cette chanson fessait un carton.

Nick et Hank arrivent au commissariat. Nick informe Hank qu'il va faire des recherches sur les prédateurs violents dans les environs et pendant ce temps, Hank va apporter le mp3 au laboratoire. C'est alors que Nick voit un criminel qui prend l'apparence d'un monstre. Surpris, Nick bouscule le sergent Wu. Pendant qu'il est au commissariat, une femme chauve arrive près d'une maison au volant de sa voiture qui tracte une caravane. Hank annonce à Nick qu'une jeune étudiante a disparu en fesant son jogging ce matin. Ils questionnent une de ses amies et elle leur explique qu'elle n'est pas rentré à la même heure que d'habitude. Quand Hank lui demande la couleur de ses baskets, celle-ci lui répond qu'elle était de couleur rose. Puis, ils identifient la jeune fille qui se nomme Sylvie Oster.

En rentrant chez lui, Nick découvre la femme chauve, il s'agit de sa tante : Marie. Secrètement, elle lui dit qu'elle aimerait lui parler. Ils parlent alors en marchant dans le quartier. Marie lui révèle qu'elle est malade et qu'elle ne sait pas combien de temps il lui reste à vivre. Elle commence à le questionner en lui demandant si il a vu des choses étranges récemment. Nick confirme. Elle lui explique qu'il est l'un des derniers descendants de la famille Grimm et que les créatures des contes existent vraiment. C'est alors que Marie remarque qu'elle est suivi par une créature nommé « Hulda ». Il l'attaque et Marie essaie de se défendre quand Nick prend son arme et l'abat. La créature reprend alors sa forme humaine. Nick se précipite vers Marie qui lui donne une clé qu'il ne doit jamais perdre. Elle lui apprend également que ses parents ne sont pas morts dans un accident de voiture mais qu'ils ont été assassinées.

Suite aux blessures de la créature, Marie se retrouve à l'hôpital. Elle continue de parler à Nick en lui expliquant que leur famille voit des choses que personne d'autres peuvent voir. Elle dit qu'il y a des créatures déguisés en humain et que seul les Grimm peuvent les voir sous leur vrai apparence. Elle ajoute que les histoires de contes de fées sont des histoires réellement produites. Elle fini par lui dire d'aller voir dans sa caravane pour qu'il trouve des réponses à ses questions.

Au poste de police, Nick regarde l'arme « Hulda » et y voit l'inscription « Les faucheurs de Grimm ».

De retour chez lui, Nick fait un cauchemar et décide d'aller voir dans la caravane de Marie. Il y découvre des armes et un vieux livre. En le regardant, il voit des dessins de créatures.

Le lendemain, au poste de police, Hank annonce à Nick que grâce au moulage, ils ont identifié le modèle de chaussures. On y voit ensuite un facteur avec les mêmes chaussures. En déposant le courrier dans une boîte aux lettres, une fillette vêtue d'une veste rouge marche dans la rue. L'homme la suit.

A l’hôpital, Nick découvre que Marie est plongée dans le coma puis il reçoit un appel lui annonçant l'enlèvement de la petite fille. La mère de la fillette explique qu'elle devait aller chez son grand-père. Au poste, Nick et Hank remarquent que la précédente victime portait elle aussi un pull rouge. Ils décident de faire le même chemin que la fillette et découvre dans une forêt, le sac de la petite fille enlevée ainsi qu'une empreinte de chaussures. En cherchant, Nick trouve une rue et y voit un homme prenant son courrier, celui-ci change d'apparence. Il appelle Hank et se plaque l'homme au sol.

La police fouille la maison de l'homme mais ils ne trouvent rien. Hank annonce à Nick qu'ils vont le libérer mais Nick et contre cette idée à cause de ce qu'il a vu.

Le soir, Juliette regarde par la fenêtre. Nick est dans la caravane et regarde de nouveau le vieux livre. Il y voit un dessin de la créature qu'il a vu auparavant. Puis, il espionne la créature. Quand celle-ci sort, Nick s'approche de la fenêtre et la regarde quand celle-ci le plaque au sol. La créature lui dit qu'il n'aurait jamais du revenir et elle reprend sa forme humaine. La créature l'invite chez lui et lui avoue qu'il est surpris de rencontrer un Grimm. Il ajoute ensuite que ses parents lui racontaient des histoires de Grimm quand il était petit. Il ajoute qu'il est un Blutbad, ce que les Grimm appellent un « loup ». Nick est surpris de voir qu'il connaît l'existence des livres. Le loup lui explique aussi qu'il ne tue plus les humains. Nick lui demande si il peut l'aider à retrouver la filette disparue, Monroe accepte à contrecœur.

Pendant ce temps, le kidnappeur place la fillette dans un grenier chez lui.

Monroe trouve un autre loup grâce à son odeur. Il est situé dans une maison dans les bois. Nick et Monroe se frottent avec de l'aconit pour masquer leurs odeurs. Nick part tout seul puisque Monroe ne peut pas s'approcher. Nick appelle Hank pour qu'il vienne l'aider. Une fois arrivé, les deux hommes frappent à la porte et inspecte la maison. Ils n'y trouvent aucun indices de la filette alors ils ressortent quand Hank réalise que le kidnappeur sifflotait le même air que « Sweet Dreams », la musique du mp3 de la précédente victime. Ils se précipitent dans la maison. Nick voit la créature tandis qu'Hank le voit sous sa forme humaine. La créature pousse violemment Nick et s'enfuit. N'ayant pas le choix, Hank tire sur la créature et celle-ci meurt en reprenant sa forme humaine. Les deux hommes retournent dans la maison pour tenter de retrouver la petite. En inspectant, Nick remarque que l'eau d'un vase ne s'écoule pas sur le sol. Il découvre une trappe et y descend. Il y voit la filette et la libère en lui disant qu'elle n'a plus rien à craindre maintenant.

De retour à l’hôpital, Nick parle à Marie quand une infirmière arrive pour faire lui faire une injection. Nick reconnaît la femme qu'il a vu précedemment sous sa vraie forme. Il l'empêche de faire l'injection à sa tante et pendant le combat, la femme injecte le produit à Nick. Avant de perdre connaissance, Nick voit la femme sous sa vraie apparence puis elle s'enfuit. Elle rejoint une voiture dans laquelle se trouve le capitaine Renard qui lui demande si Marie est morte. La femme répond que Nick était là et qu'elle n'a pas pu y faire l'injection. Il lui dit qu'il faudra réessayer. Dans sa chambre d’hôpital, Marie ouvre les yeux.

Ecrit par leila36


 [Voix off] : "Le Loup se dit : Voilà un mets bien jeune et bien tendre, un vrai régal !"

Les Frères Grimm

Scène 1. Ext.  Jour. (Forêt, une fille)


 [Jogging avec Sweet dreams !]

♪ Sweet dreams are made of this ♪ ♪ Who am I to disagree? ♪ ♪ I travel the world and the seven seas ♪ ♪ Everybody's looking for something ♪ ♪ Some of them want to use you ♪ ♪ Some of them want to get used by you ♪ ♪ Some of them want to abuse you ♪ ♪ Some of them want to be abused ♪

 [Hurlement : la fille se fait happer !]

♪ Sweet dreams are made of this ♪


Scène 2. Ext. Jour. (Dans la rue, Hank et Nick)

[Nick] - Hank, qu'est-ce que tu fabriques ?

[Hank] - Je teste notre tout nouveau matos, et je garde des preuves de l'époque ou t'étais encore jeune et innocent.

[Nick] - Oh, j'ai pas l'intention de me marier quarte fois, une seule me suffira!

[Hank] - Oh, t'es du genre à vivre heureux et avoir beaucoup d'enfants.

[Nick] -  C'est ça.

[Hank] - Lieutenent, qu'est ce que vous regarder ? Hey, Tu viens d'acheter une bague.

[Nick] - Je ne l'a voit pas de la même façon que toi.

[Hank] - Me prend pas pour un abruti.

[Nick] - Regarde, elle porte des fringues de luxe, doit se faire un max de blés, conduire une belle bagnole et avoir des vues sur un associés de son cabinet d'avocat. Que des ennuis en perspective.

[Hank] - Tu peux pas simplement te rincer l'oeil comme un mec normal?

[Nick] - bah ! Je sais pas faire

[Hank] - Viens, on a un appel. Faut y aller.


Scène 3. Ext. Jour. (Forêt)

[Garde forestier] - C'est un randonneur qui m'a prévenu. Il m'a dit être tombé sur quelque chose de pas beau à voir.

Je comprenais pas de quoi il voulais parler, jusqu'à ce qu'il me montre ça.

Ce qui reste d'elle est un peu plus loin.

[Nick] - Comment savez-vous que c'était une femme?

[Garde forestier] - eh ben grâce à ça.

[Hank] – Des bascket de fille.

[Nick] – Quel animal aurait pû faire ça?

[Garde forestier] - Normalement, il suffit de regarder les empruntes pour savoir : un ours, un couguar ou un loup.

[Hank] – C'est lequel des trois ?

[Garde forestier] - C'est là que ça devient intéressant. C'est la seule trace qu'on a trouvée.

[Nick] – On a une emprune ici, il va nous falloir un moulage.

[Voix hors champs] - Tout de suite!

[Hank] – L'analyse ADN nous dira qui hérite de l'affaire.


[Nick] - Ca me rappelle ce qui s'est passé il y a un mois à Munson Creek Falls.

[Hank] – Même topo, un randonneur et un Lynx.

[Nick] - Sauf que le Lynx ne portait pas de chaussures

[Nick] - T'entends ça?

[Hank] - Quoi?

[Nick] - De la musique.

[son du Mp3]

♪ disagree ♪

♪ I travel the world and the seven seas ♪

♪ Everybody's ♪

[Nick] - C'est un lecteur Mp3.

[Hank] - C'est quoi cette chanson?

[Nick] - Sweet Dreams.

[Hank] - Eurythmics. ça a fait un carton à l'époque.

♪ Sweet dreams are made of these ♪

♪ Who am I to disagree? ♪

[Nick] - C'est quand ton prochain concert?.

[Son du Mp3] - ♪ Everybody's looking for something ♪


Scène 4. Int. Jour. (Commisseriat de Police)

[Nick] - Until we get the DNA results, I'll run a database on violent predators in the area.

[Hank] - Better search beyond the metro.

[Nick] - Absolutely. We should also take another look at that Munson Creek Falls attack.

[Hank] - You'll be busy.

I'll take the iPod down for prints.

[Hank] - Back in a minute.


[Sergent Wu] - Hoo! Sorry, Nick. Guess I should have worn my airbag today.

[Dramatic music]



 Scène 5. Ext. Jour. (sur la Route, la caravane arrive chez Nick)


Scène 6. Int. Jour. (Commisseriat de Police)

[Nick] - We've got 23 known predators within five square Miles of the crime scene. None of them rise to the kind of violence we saw out there this morning.

[Hank] - Just got a hit on a missing person. University student went out jogging this morning and never came back.

Scène 7. Ext. Jour. (Université)

[Tierra Valentine, Colocataire] - She left at 7:30 this morning, and I'm a little freaked out, because she's always back by 8:30.

[Nick] - Do you have a photo of her?

[Tierra] - On my iPhone.

[Hank] - Do you know what kind of running shoes she was wearing?

[Tierra] - Uh, pink Nikes.

Scène 8. Int. Nuit. (Commisseriat de Police)

[Nick] - Hard to believe that's the girl we saw this morning.

[Hank] - Sylvie Oster, positive I.D.

[Nick] - Well, at least we know who she is. Man, what a way to go.

[Hank] - Just hope it happened fast. Man, let's get the hell out of here.

[Nick] - Yeah. It's been a long day.

[Hank] - Big night. Don't blow it, Romeo. [Laughs]

Scène 9. Int. Nuit. (Chez Nick et Juliette)

[Nick] - Juliette?

[Nick] - Aunt Marie! When did you get here?

[Juliette] - Hey. She was here when I got home.

[Aunt Marie] - Sorry for the short notice.

[Juliette] - What, you didn't know she was coming?

[Aunt Marie] - I meant to call. Sometimes I mean to do something, and I assume I usually have.

[Nick] - Well, how are you doing? Is everything okay?

[Aunt Marie] - Not as okay as I used to be.

[Juliette] - She was telling me some pretty funny stories about when you were little.

[Nick] - Dead frog in the microwave?

[Juliette] - Among others.

[Aunt Marie] - Come and give us a hug.

[Nick] - Here.


[Aunt Marie] We need to talk.


Scène 9. Ext. Nuit. (Dans la rue)

[Nick] - How bad is it?

[Aunt Marie] - Two months, two weeks, two days. Nobody knows. But there are so many things I have to tell you.

[Nick] - Why didn't you come here sooner?

[Aunt Marie] - - I couldn't.

[Nick] - Why?

[Aunt Marie] - Just listen to me. There are things you don't know. Things about your family.

[Nick] - My family? You're my family.

[Aunt Marie] - Have you been seeing strange things? Things that you can't explain? Oh, I knew it. This is all happening so much faster than I thought it would. When it happened to me, it knocked me on my ass. I couldn't move for a week.

[Nick] - What are you talking about?

[Aunt Marie] - The misfortune of our family is already passing to you. I'm so sorry. I know you love Juliette, but you have to end it and never see her again. It's just too dangerous.

[Nick] - What?

[Aunt Marie] - Oh, my God. He's here.

[Nick] - Who?

[Aunt Marie] - Hulda.


[Aunt Marie] - Did you kill him?

[Nick] - Yes.

[Aunt Marie] - I thought I'd lost him. They're after me. Never lose this. Guard it with your life. They'll be looking for it.

[Tante Marie] - Nick, your parents didn't die in a crash. They were killed.

[Nck] - What?


Scène 10. Ext. Nuit. (Dans la rue)

[Juliette] - I didn't see what happened. I just heard gunshots and called 911.


[Nck] - It happened so fast. He came out of nowhere. He had that thing in his hand, and he went right for her, Hank.

- I had no choice.

[Hank] - Take it easy. Now, you go to the hospital. I'll handle this.

[Nck] - She said she knew him, and his name was Hulda.

[Hank] - I'll run his prints.

[Juliette] - You want me to come with you?

[Nck] - No. I'll be home as soon as I can.

[Juliette] - Okay. Love you.


Scène 11. Int. Nuit. (Hopital)

[Dr. Rose] - Mr. Burkhardt? She's conscious now.


[Aunt Marie] - You saw him, didn't you? You saw who Hulda really was.

[Nck] - I don't know what I saw or how you did that. What's going on?

[Aunt Marie] - We have the ability to see what no one else can. When they lose control, they can't hide, and we see them for what they really are.

[Nck] - Look, you need some rest.

[Aunt Marie] - This is no fairy tale. The stories are real. What they wrote about really happened. You are one of the last Grimms. I know it's a lot, and I wish I had more time, but everything's in my trailer. Sweetie, there's so much you still don't know.

[Nck] - Look, what you said about my parents...

[Aunt Marie] - You're vulnerable now. You need to be careful. Don't ever lose what I gave to you.

[Dr. Rose] - I'm sorry, Mr. Burkhardt. You can see her again tomorrow.


Scène 12. Int. Nuit. (Commisseriat de Police)

[Hank] - Hey, Nick. You get that translated?

[Nck] - Yeah. It means "Reapers of the Grimms."

[Hank] - That fits your buddy Hulda.

Wait till you hear what I got on him. Hulda was from Boise, Idaho, where he worked as an accountant, but his prints came back as a Mr. Lindon from Chicago, wanted for assault, rape, and murder. But there's also warrants matching those prints in Florida and Alabama.

[Nck] - He was wanted for assault, rape, and murder?

[Hank] - Don't let the comb-over throw you. This was a bad guy.

[Sergent Wu] - Hey, Nick, Captain wants to see you.

[Nck] - What's he want?

[Hank] - Guess you'll find out.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - If you had to shoot somebody, you sure picked the right guy. How you doing? You holding up?

[Nck] - Yes, sir.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - A first shooting is no small thing. You'll be required to see the police psychologist.

[Nck] - Yes, sir.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - Make sure you do. Get some rest.


Scène 13. Int. Nuit. (Chez Nick)

[Nick se réveil suite à un mauvais rêve]


Scène 14. Int. Nuit. (Caravane)

[Juliette] - How long have you been down here?

[Nck] - I couldn't sleep.

[Juliette] - What is all this?

[Nck] - I don't know. I'll deal with it later. I'm sorry. Let's go back to bed.

[Juliette] - How long did you live with Marie?

[Nck] - She was my mother from the time I was 12.

[Juliette] - After your parents died?

[Nck] - Yeah.

[Juliette] - You didn't live in that trailer, did you?

[Nck] - I didn't know she had it.

[Cat meows]

[Juliette] - I think it was just a cat.

[Nck] - Yeah.

[Creature snarls]


Scène 15. Int. Jour. (Commisseriat de Police) 

[Hank au téléphone] - This is what we're looking for. If this is an exact match of the boot prints, it's going to be very helpful, Thanks.

[Nck] - Take a look at the lab report. DNA of the attacker is inconclusive. Still don't know if we're looking for a man or a beast.

[Hank] - Well, we got a lead if it wears boots. Based on the plaster cast, this is the boot we're looking for.


Scène 16. Ext. Jour. (Dans la rue)

[Le Facteur croise Robin Howell et la suit]


Scène 17. Int. Jour. (Hopital)

[Dr. Rose] - She's in a deep coma. There was a sudden spike in the EKG this morning, but I don't have anything definitive to tell you yet.

[Nck] - Will she come out of this?

[Dr. Rose] - Well, all we can do is wait. Did you know about the scars?

[Nck] - What scars?

[Dr. Rose] - A lot of them look like knife wounds. They're all over her body. What line of work was she in?

[Nck] - She was a librarian.

[Cell phone rings]

[Nick] -Yeah. On my way.


Scène 18. Ext. Jour. (Dans la rue)

Yeah, dispater, show 21. We're on scene, and we're gathering evidence...


[La Mère de Robin] - I don't understan. She was supposed to go straight there from school.

[Le Grand-père de Robin]Yeah, she never showed up. I looked all over the neighborhood. Then I came right here.

[Segent Wu] - Will you take care of that, please?

[un flic] - ok


[Hank] - What do we know?

[Segent Wu] - Little girl on the way to her grandfather's house. Never showed up.

That's him, the guy with the beard.

[Nick] - Do we know he's clean?

[Segent Wu] - No. We're looking into that. That's the best photo they had.


Scène 19. Int. Jour. (Commisseriat de Police)

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - We don't know what we got here, relative, ransom, or pedophile, and the clock is ticking. We're gonna split into teams, section off the paths she would have taken from school. Now, it's a mile and a half from the school to the house. When last seen, she was wearing purple leggings and a red sweatshirt. Make sure you have a copy of the photo and the map. You all know your sections, so let's get out there and find her.

[Nick] - Captain.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - Yeah.

[Nick] - When the university student was attacked, she was wearing a red sweatshirt.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - The girl that was torn to pieces?

[Hank] - Yeah.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - Well, let's hope it's not the same guy.


Scène 20. Ext. Jour. (Dans la rue) 

[Nick] - She's supposed to cross Hunter Lane right there and then go around the park to Hildebrand.

[Hank] - The old man's house is on the other side of the park. - Right?

[Nick] - Right. 4753 Hildebrand Road. Directly across from here.

[Hank] - When I was a kid, I wouldn't have gone all the way around the park.

[Nick] - Well, the mother was very specific about the route.

[Hank] - Yeah, right. Kids always do what their moms tell them to do. I know I did. Come on, Nick.


Scène 21. Ext. Jour. (Dans la forêt.)

[Nick] - I'll take this trail.

[Stick breaks]

[Voix off. Aunt Marie] -You need to be careful. You're vulnerable now. This isn't a fairy tale.

[Hank] - Nick, I got something here.

Robin Howell.

[Nick] - She must have been grabbed somewhere in this area.

[Hank] - Careful where you step.

[Hank au tléphone] - We got a crime scene in Berkeley Park. Yeah, off Hildebrand.

[Nick] - Hank, we got boot prints here, same kind. He took her this way.

[Nick voit Monroe se transformer]

[Nick] - Hank, I got him!

Where is she? Where is she?


Scène 22. Int. Jour. (Chez Monroe)

[Nick] - Look, I know she's in here somewhere.

[Sergent Wu] - You got another place to look, we'll look, but we've torn this place apart.

[Hank] - What are we doing here?

[Nick] - If she's not in there, he's got her someplace else.

[Hank] - What do you see in this guy we don't?

He's got no priors. He's clean.

[Nick] - He fits the profile... he's a loner, he's never been married, he lives across the street from a park.

[Hank] - That's not going to get him into a court unless he sues our ass.


Scène 23. Int. Nuit. (Caravane)

[Juliette voit que Nick est dans la Caravane et Nick fait des recherches dans les livres]


Scène 24. Ext. Nuit. (Jardin de Monroe)

[Monroe] - You shouldn't have come back.

Okay, okay, okay. Lighten up. I'm just making a point. Come on. Let's grab a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Scène 25. Int. Nuit. (Chez Monroe)

[Monroe] - You know, I never seen one of you before. I heard about you guys all my life. Never thought I'd see one up close.

- A Grimm. Ha! What do you know?

[Nick] - You know about me?

[Monroe]- Are you kidding? My folks used to tell me stories about you guys. Scared the hell out of me when I was a kid.

How long you been at this? You seem kind of new.

[Nick] Who are you?

[Monroe] Wow, you are new at this. What, someone in your family just die?

[Nick] My aunt's in a coma.

[Monroe] Ahh, that explains it. What's her name?

[Nick] Marie Kesler.

[Monroe] Oh, yeah. I heard of her.

Look, I don't want any more trouble, okay?

I'm not that kind of Blutbad. I don't kill anymore. I haven't in years.

[Nick] Wait. What did you say you were?

[Monroe] Blutbad. Vulgarized by your ancestors as the big, bad wolf.

What, did you just get the books tonight?

[Nick] You know about the books?

[Monroe] Of course I know about the book!. We all know about the books. You people started profiling us over 200 years ago. But, as you can see, I'm not that big, and I am done with the bad thing.

 [Nick] - Well, how do you...

 [Monroe] - How do I stay good? Through a strict regimen of diet, drugs, and Pilates.

 I'm a reformed Blutbad. A Wieder Blutbad. It's a different church altogether.

[Nick] You guys go to church?

[Monroe] Sure.Don't you?

[Nick] Then what she said is really happening to me. I have to stop it. How do I stop it?

Stop it? You can't stop it. It's who you are.

So if you just got into this, you must be seeing some pretty strange things.

[Nick] Yeah. I am.

I guess that's why you're here.

[Nick] No, I'm here because of the little girl.

[Monroe] - Still haven't found her yet?

[Nick] - No. We haven't.

[Monroe]- Ah, look at this.

[Nick]- You know where she is.

[Monroe] Of course I don't know where she is. Did I not just tell you about my strict regimen?

[Nick] So how many of you Blutbads are there?

[Monroe] First off, the plural is Blutbaden. And I don't know. We don't socialize much. Bad things happen when we get into a pack. Especially when we see red.

[Nick] - So all those things I've been seeing...

[Monroe] - We're not things. Look, I'm a clockmaker, for God's sake. I don't go around abducting little girls.

[Nick] - Okay, then tonight in the backyard, you were marking your territory.

[Monroe] - I wasn't pissing on my fence for kicks.

[Nick] - Then there are more of you around here. Look, you may not know where she is, but you've got a pretty good idea who's got her.

[Monroe] - I don't bother the other Blutbaden, they don't bother me.

[Nick] - Guess what, pal? I'm not a Blutbaden. I'm a cop. And if you know who's got her, you had better tell me right now.

[Monroe] - Please don't threaten me.

[Nick] - I want to know who's got her.


Scène 26. Int. Nuit. (Chez le facteur)

[Le facteur cache Robin sous une trappe]

[Le facteur] - Don't be afraid. Do you like it? It's all yours.

[Robin] - I just want to go home.

[Le facteur] - You are home. What do you say we hang this up?

Do you want a chicken pot pie?


Scène 27. Ext. Nuit. (Dans la forêt)

[Nick] - I really think I should drive.

[Monroe] - No, I'm good.

[Nick] - If this is the same Blutbad that killed that woman in the woods...

[Monroe] - Well, assuming he fed yesterday, he'll be good for a week, maybe ten days, tops. He'll just use the time to fatten her up.

Whoa. I got a hit. We're close.

[Nick] - Did you really smell him?

[Monroe] - Dude, you have no idea.

... [Plan sur le facteur avec ses chaussures...]

[Monroe] - Okay, this is as far as we drive.

[Nick] - What, he's over there?

[Monroe] - Oh, he's real close.

[Nick] - What's that?

[Monroe] - Wolfsbane. So he won't sense us.

[Nick] - You're kidding me, right?

[Monroe] - Not if you want to stay alive.

What are you doing?

[Nick] - Well, you said he was over there.

[Monroe] - Why don't you just call him, tell him you're coming? This way.


[Nick] - Isn't this what the bridge is for?



[Monroe] Sorry.

[Nick] Do I need something like silver bullets?

[Monroe] What are you, an idiot?

[Monroe]That's his place.


[Nick] - What's happening?

[Monroe]I can't guarantee what'll happen if I go any closer.

[Monroe]It's too dangerous. I might be on your side. I might be on his side. I might even go after the girl. I'm sorry. But there's nothing more I can do. I'm out of here.


[Cell phone ringing]

[Hank, se réveil] - What?

[Nick] - I found her.


Scène 28. Int. Nuit. (Chez le facteur)



[Robin] - I want to go home.

[Le Facteur] - I told you, you are home.


Scène 29. Ext. Nuit. (Dans la forêt)

[Hank] - Where is he?

[Nick] - He's in a house on the other side of the stream. But you have to put some of this on first.

[Hank] - What the hell are you doing?

[Nick] - So he doesn't smell us.

[Hank] - We're not hunting deer. Where's backup?

[Nick] - You're the only one I called.

[Hank] - What?

[Nick] - I already cried wolf once. You think they're gonna believe me? Come on.



[Hank] - How'd you find this place?

[Nick] - Uh, the boots. I couldn't sleep, started looking at addresses, this is one of them.

[Hank] - What's his name?

[Nick] - Who?

[Hank] - The guy we're looking for.

[Nick] - I forgot.



[Hank] - You do know there's a bridge, right?


[Hank] - Man. You better be right this time, buddy. You saw his boot prints, right?

[Nick] - Yeah. Up there up by the house.

[Hank] - The exact match?

[Nick] - From what I could tell, yeah.

[Hank] - You run his plates?

[Nick] - I'm still waiting.

What's the matter? Do you not trust me?

[Hank] - Okay, let's do this.


Scène 30. Int. Nuit. (Chez le facteur)

[Le Facteur] - Good evening. Can I help you?

[Hank] - Sorry to disturb you, sir. I'm Detective Griffin. This is Detective Burkhardt. Do you have a few minutes?

[Le Facteur] - Of course. Would you like to come in?

[Hank] - That would be great.

♪ ♪

[Le Facteur] - We can sit in here.

[Hank] - Nice pillows.

[Le Facteur] - I did the needlepoint myself. Not that I tell everyone.

[Timer blares]

[Le Facteur] - Oh, pot pie's done. Just give me a moment, and then we can talk. Okay?

[Hank] - Are you kidding me?

[Nick] - Hank, I really believe this is the right guy


[Hank] - Excuse me, sir?

[Le Facteur] - Sorry it's taking so long, but you know how delicate crusts are.

[Hank] - What kind of work do you do?

[Le Facteur] - I work for the Government. Like you. I'm a postman. Not the most glamorous job, but I like it

[Nick] - Where were you between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 today?

[Le Facteur] - On my route. I'd like to know what this is all about.

[Nick] - This little girl went missing today.

[Le Facteur] - That's awful. You don't think I had anything to do with this, do you?

[Hank] - We have to run down every possibility.

[Le Facteur] - What possibility could have led you to me?

[Nick] - We're looking for a pair of boots.

[Le Facteur] - Feel free to look anywhere you want.


[Hank] - If this guy had something to hide, he would have kicked us out. I'm leaving. I want to keep my job.

[Humming Sweet Dreams

♪ ♪

[Le Facteur] - Anything else?

[Hank] - No. Thanks for your time. We'll see ourselves out.

[Nick] - Hank, I'm sorry. I really thought this time...

[Hank] - Wait. The song.

[Nick] - What song?

[Hank] - He was humming the same song, the one in the dead girl's iPod.





[Hank] - Hold it.



[Nick] - Where is she? Where is she?

[Le facteur] Grimm.

[Hank] - She's got to be in the house.

[Nick] - Robin!

[Hank] - Robin! Robin!

[Nick] - Robin!

[Hank] - She's not here. We're gonna have to call it in. I'll find the breaker.


[Nick] - Hank! Hank, she's here! It's okay, honey. We're police.

[Hank] - I don't know how you did it, but you did it.

[Nick] - It's okay now. We're gonna take you home.


Scène 31. Int. Nuit. (Hopital)

[Nick] - There's so much I don't understand. There's so many things I need to ask you. Look, I love Juliette. I don't want anything to happen to her. I want you to know, whatever it is I'm supposed to do, I'll do it.

[Nick] - You.



♪ disagree ♪ ♪ I travel the world ♪ ♪ And the seven seas ♪ ♪ Everybody's looking for something ♪ ♪ Some of them want to use you ♪ ♪ Some of them ♪ ♪ Want to get used by you ♪ ♪ Some of them want to be abused ♪

Scène 32. Ext. Nuit. (Dans la rue)

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - Is she dead?

[Adalind Schade] - No. He was there.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - That's unfortunate. Just have to try again.

[Engine turns over]

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - Espérons qu'elle ne se réveille pas avant.

♪ I'm gonna know ♪ What's inside you ♪




Scène 1. Ext.  Jour. (Forêt, une fille)


♪ Sweet dreams are made of this ♪

♪ Who am I to disagree? ♪

♪ I travel the world and the seven seas ♪

♪ Everybody's looking for something ♪

♪ Some of them want to use you ♪

♪ Some of them want to get used by you ♪

♪ Some of them want to abuse you ♪

♪ Some of them want to be abused ♪



 [Snarling and screaming continue]

 [Biting sounds, screaming]

 [Screaming wanes]

♪ Sweet dreams are made of this ♪ 

Scène 2. Ext. Jour. (Dans la rue, Hank et Nick)

[Nick] - Hank, what are you doing?

[Hank] - Testing out the new equipment and getting a picture of you while you're still young and innocent.

[Nick] - Oh, well, I am getting married once, not four times.

[Hank] - Oh, you're a happily ever after guy.

[Nick] -  Yeah

[Hank] - Detective, what are you looking at? You just bought a ring.

[Nick] - That's not what I'm looking at.

[Hank] - Come on, don't ruin it for me.

[Nick] - No, she wears Armani, makes low six figures, drives a BMW, and is falling for a senior partner at her law firm. Nothing but trouble, Hank.

[Hank] - Why can't you just look at her ass like the rest of us?

[Nick] - I can't.

[Hank] - Come on, Nick. We have a call.

Scène 3. Ext. Jour. (Forêt)

[Garde forestier] - The hiker flagged me down. He came through the ravine and said. he saw something pretty bad.

I didn't know what he was talking about until he showed me this.

The rest of her is off-trail.

[Nick] - How do you know it's a her?

[Garde forestier] - Because of this.

[Hank] – Woman’s Nike

[Nick] – What’s kind animal can di this ?

[Garde forestier] - Normally, we'd be able to tell by the tracks, a bear, cougar, wolf.

[Hank] – Which one is it?

[Garde forestier] - Well, that's where this gets interesting. This is the only track we found.

[Nick] – Hey, we got a boot print down here. We're gonna need a cast.

[Voix hors champs] - Right away.

[Hank] – DNA'll tell us if this is your case or ours.


[Nick] - This sounds like what happened a month ago at Munson Creek Falls.

[Hank] – Same deal. Hiker and a bobcat.

[Nick] - But the bobcat wasn't wearing boots.

[Nick] - Do you hear something?

[Hank] - What?

[Nick] - Music.

[Tinny music playing]

♪ disagree ♪

♪ I travel the world and the seven seas ♪

♪ Everybody's ♪

[Nick] - Hank, we got an iPod over here.

[Hank] - What's this song?

[Nick] - Sweet Dreams.

[Hank] - Eurythmics. One of their better.

♪ Sweet dreams are made of these ♪

♪ Who am I to disagree? ♪

[Nick] - I didn't know you couldn't sing.

[Hank] - ♪ Everybody's looking for something ♪


Scène 4. Int. Jour. (Commisseriat de Police)

[Nick] - Until we get the DNA results, I'll run a database on violent predators in the area.

[Hank] - Better search beyond the metro.

[Nick] - Absolutely. We should also take another look at that Munson Creek Falls attack.

[Hank] - You'll be busy.

I'll take the iPod down for prints.

[Hank] - Back in a minute.


[Sergent Wu] - Hoo! Sorry, Nick. Guess I should have worn my airbag today.

[Dramatic music]



 Scène 5. Ext. Jour. (sur la Route, la caravane arrive chez Nick)


Scène 6. Int. Jour. (Commisseriat de Police)

[Nick] - We've got 23 known predators within five square Miles of the crime scene. None of them rise to the kind of violence we saw out there this morning.

[Hank] - Just got a hit on a missing person. University student went out jogging this morning and never came back.

Scène 7. Ext. Jour. (Université)

[Tierra Valentine, Colocataire] - She left at 7:30 this morning, and I'm a little freaked out, because she's always back by 8:30.

[Nick] - Do you have a photo of her?

[Tierra] - On my iPhone.

[Hank] - Do you know what kind of running shoes she was wearing?

[Tierra] - Uh, pink Nikes.

Scène 8. Int. Nuit. (Commisseriat de Police)

[Nick] - Hard to believe that's the girl we saw this morning.

[Hank] - Sylvie Oster, positive I.D.

[Nick] - Well, at least we know who she is. Man, what a way to go.

[Hank] - Just hope it happened fast. Man, let's get the hell out of here.

[Nick] - Yeah. It's been a long day.

[Hank] - Big night. Don't blow it, Romeo. [Laughs]

Scène 9. Int. Nuit. (Chez Nick et Juliette)

[Nick] - Juliette?

[Nick] - Aunt Marie! When did you get here?

[Juliette] - Hey. She was here when I got home.

[Aunt Marie] - Sorry for the short notice.

[Juliette] - What, you didn't know she was coming?

[Aunt Marie] - I meant to call. Sometimes I mean to do something, and I assume I usually have.

[Nick] - Well, how are you doing? Is everything okay?

[Aunt Marie] - Not as okay as I used to be.

[Juliette] - She was telling me some pretty funny stories about when you were little.

[Nick] - Dead frog in the microwave?

[Juliette] - Among others.

[Aunt Marie] - Come and give us a hug.

[Nick] - Here.


[Aunt Marie] We need to talk.


Scène 9. Ext. Nuit. (Dans la rue)

[Nick] - How bad is it?

[Aunt Marie] - Two months, two weeks, two days. Nobody knows. But there are so many things I have to tell you.

[Nick] - Why didn't you come here sooner?

[Aunt Marie] - - I couldn't.

[Nick] - Why?

[Aunt Marie] - Just listen to me. There are things you don't know. Things about your family.

[Nick] - My family? You're my family.

[Aunt Marie] - Have you been seeing strange things? Things that you can't explain? Oh, I knew it. This is all happening so much faster than I thought it would. When it happened to me, it knocked me on my ass. I couldn't move for a week.

[Nick] - What are you talking about?

[Aunt Marie] - The misfortune of our family is already passing to you. I'm so sorry. I know you love Juliette, but you have to end it and never see her again. It's just too dangerous.

[Nick] - What?

[Aunt Marie] - Oh, my God. He's here.

[Nick] - Who?

[Aunt Marie] - Hulda.


[Aunt Marie] - Did you kill him?

[Nick] - Yes.

[Aunt Marie] - I thought I'd lost him. They're after me. Never lose this. Guard it with your life. They'll be looking for it.

[Tante Marie] - Nick, your parents didn't die in a crash. They were killed.

[Nck] - What?


Scène 10. Ext. Nuit. (Dans la rue)

[Juliette] - I didn't see what happened. I just heard gunshots and called 911.


[Nck] - It happened so fast. He came out of nowhere. He had that thing in his hand, and he went right for her, Hank.

- I had no choice.

[Hank] - Take it easy. Now, you go to the hospital. I'll handle this.

[Nck] - She said she knew him, and his name was Hulda.

[Hank] - I'll run his prints.

[Juliette] - You want me to come with you?

[Nck] - No. I'll be home as soon as I can.

[Juliette] - Okay. Love you.


Scène 11. Int. Nuit. (Hopital)

[Dr. Rose] - Mr. Burkhardt? She's conscious now.


[Aunt Marie] - You saw him, didn't you? You saw who Hulda really was.

[Nck] - I don't know what I saw or how you did that. What's going on?

[Aunt Marie] - We have the ability to see what no one else can. When they lose control, they can't hide, and we see them for what they really are.

[Nck] - Look, you need some rest.

[Aunt Marie] - This is no fairy tale. The stories are real. What they wrote about really happened. You are one of the last Grimms. I know it's a lot, and I wish I had more time, but everything's in my trailer. Sweetie, there's so much you still don't know.

[Nck] - Look, what you said about my parents...

[Aunt Marie] - You're vulnerable now. You need to be careful. Don't ever lose what I gave to you.

[Dr. Rose] - I'm sorry, Mr. Burkhardt. You can see her again tomorrow.


Scène 12. Int. Nuit. (Commisseriat de Police)

[Hank] - Hey, Nick. You get that translated?

[Nck] - Yeah. It means "Reapers of the Grimms."

[Hank] - That fits your buddy Hulda.

Wait till you hear what I got on him. Hulda was from Boise, Idaho, where he worked as an accountant, but his prints came back as a Mr. Lindon from Chicago, wanted for assault, rape, and murder. But there's also warrants matching those prints in Florida and Alabama.

[Nck] - He was wanted for assault, rape, and murder?

[Hank] - Don't let the comb-over throw you. This was a bad guy.

[Sergent Wu] - Hey, Nick, Captain wants to see you.

[Nck] - What's he want?

[Hank] - Guess you'll find out.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - If you had to shoot somebody, you sure picked the right guy. How you doing? You holding up?

[Nck] - Yes, sir.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - A first shooting is no small thing. You'll be required to see the police psychologist.

[Nck] - Yes, sir.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - Make sure you do. Get some rest.


Scène 13. Int. Nuit. (Chez Nick)

[Nick se réveil suite à un mauvais rêve]


Scène 14. Int. Nuit. (Caravane)

[Juliette] - How long have you been down here?

[Nck] - I couldn't sleep.

[Juliette] - What is all this?

[Nck] - I don't know. I'll deal with it later. I'm sorry. Let's go back to bed.

[Juliette] - How long did you live with Marie?

[Nck] - She was my mother from the time I was 12.

[Juliette] - After your parents died?

[Nck] - Yeah.

[Juliette] - You didn't live in that trailer, did you?

[Nck] - I didn't know she had it.

[Cat meows]

[Juliette] - I think it was just a cat.

[Nck] - Yeah.

[Creature snarls]


Scène 15. Int. Jour. (Commisseriat de Police) 

[Hank au téléphone] - This is what we're looking for. If this is an exact match of the boot prints, it's going to be very helpful, Thanks.

[Nck] - Take a look at the lab report. DNA of the attacker is inconclusive. Still don't know if we're looking for a man or a beast.

[Hank] - Well, we got a lead if it wears boots. Based on the plaster cast, this is the boot we're looking for.


Scène 16. Ext. Jour. (Dans la rue)

[Le Facteur croise Robin Howell et la suit]


Scène 17. Int. Jour. (Hopital)

[Dr. Rose] - She's in a deep coma. There was a sudden spike in the EKG this morning, but I don't have anything definitive to tell you yet.

[Nck] - Will she come out of this?

[Dr. Rose] - Well, all we can do is wait. Did you know about the scars?

[Nck] - What scars?

[Dr. Rose] - A lot of them look like knife wounds. They're all over her body. What line of work was she in?

[Nck] - She was a librarian.

[Cell phone rings]

[Nick] -Yeah. On my way.


Scène 18. Ext. Jour. (Dans la rue)

Yeah, dispater, show 21. We're on scene, and we're gathering evidence...


[La Mère de Robin] - I don't understan. She was supposed to go straight there from school.

[Le Grand-père de Robin]Yeah, she never showed up. I looked all over the neighborhood. Then I came right here.

[Segent Wu] - Will you take care of that, please?

[un flic] - ok


[Hank] - What do we know?

[Segent Wu] - Little girl on the way to her grandfather's house. Never showed up.

That's him, the guy with the beard.

[Nick] - Do we know he's clean?

[Segent Wu] - No. We're looking into that. That's the best photo they had.


Scène 19. Int. Jour. (Commisseriat de Police)

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - We don't know what we got here, relative, ransom, or pedophile, and the clock is ticking. We're gonna split into teams, section off the paths she would have taken from school. Now, it's a mile and a half from the school to the house. When last seen, she was wearing purple leggings and a red sweatshirt. Make sure you have a copy of the photo and the map. You all know your sections, so let's get out there and find her.

[Nick] - Captain.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - Yeah.

[Nick] - When the university student was attacked, she was wearing a red sweatshirt.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - The girl that was torn to pieces?

[Hank] - Yeah.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - Well, let's hope it's not the same guy.


Scène 20. Ext. Jour. (Dans la rue) 

[Nick] - She's supposed to cross Hunter Lane right there and then go around the park to Hildebrand.

[Hank] - The old man's house is on the other side of the park. - Right?

[Nick] - Right. 4753 Hildebrand Road. Directly across from here.

[Hank] - When I was a kid, I wouldn't have gone all the way around the park.

[Nick] - Well, the mother was very specific about the route.

[Hank] - Yeah, right. Kids always do what their moms tell them to do. I know I did. Come on, Nick.


Scène 21. Ext. Jour. (Dans la forêt.)

[Nick] - I'll take this trail.

[Stick breaks]

[Voix off. Aunt Marie] -You need to be careful. You're vulnerable now. This isn't a fairy tale.

[Hank] - Nick, I got something here.

Robin Howell.

[Nick] - She must have been grabbed somewhere in this area.

[Hank] - Careful where you step.

[Hank au tléphone] - We got a crime scene in Berkeley Park. Yeah, off Hildebrand.

[Nick] - Hank, we got boot prints here, same kind. He took her this way.

[Nick voit Monroe se transformer]

[Nick] - Hank, I got him!

Where is she? Where is she?


Scène 22. Int. Jour. (Chez Monroe)

[Nick] - Look, I know she's in here somewhere.

[Sergent Wu] - You got another place to look, we'll look, but we've torn this place apart.

[Hank] - What are we doing here?

[Nick] - If she's not in there, he's got her someplace else.

[Hank] - What do you see in this guy we don't?

He's got no priors. He's clean.

[Nick] - He fits the profile... he's a loner, he's never been married, he lives across the street from a park.

[Hank] - That's not going to get him into a court unless he sues our ass.


Scène 23. Int. Nuit. (Caravane)

[Juliette voit que Nick est dans la Caravane et Nick fait des recherches dans les livres]


Scène 24. Ext. Nuit. (Jardin de Monroe)

[Monroe] - You shouldn't have come back.

Okay, okay, okay. Lighten up. I'm just making a point. Come on. Let's grab a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Scène 25. Int. Nuit. (Chez Monroe)

[Monroe] - You know, I never seen one of you before. I heard about you guys all my life. Never thought I'd see one up close.

- A Grimm. Ha! What do you know?

[Nick] - You know about me?

[Monroe]- Are you kidding? My folks used to tell me stories about you guys. Scared the hell out of me when I was a kid.

How long you been at this? You seem kind of new.

[Nick] Who are you?

[Monroe] Wow, you are new at this. What, someone in your family just die?

[Nick] My aunt's in a coma.

[Monroe] Ahh, that explains it. What's her name?

[Nick] Marie Kesler.

[Monroe] Oh, yeah. I heard of her.

Look, I don't want any more trouble, okay?

I'm not that kind of Blutbad. I don't kill anymore. I haven't in years.

[Nick] Wait. What did you say you were?

[Monroe] Blutbad. Vulgarized by your ancestors as the big, bad wolf.

What, did you just get the books tonight?

[Nick] You know about the books?

[Monroe] Of course I know about the book!. We all know about the books. You people started profiling us over 200 years ago. But, as you can see, I'm not that big, and I am done with the bad thing.

 [Nick] - Well, how do you...

 [Monroe] - How do I stay good? Through a strict regimen of diet, drugs, and Pilates.

 I'm a reformed Blutbad. A Wieder Blutbad. It's a different church altogether.

[Nick] You guys go to church?

[Monroe] Sure.Don't you?

[Nick] Then what she said is really happening to me. I have to stop it. How do I stop it?

Stop it? You can't stop it. It's who you are.

So if you just got into this, you must be seeing some pretty strange things.

[Nick] Yeah. I am.

I guess that's why you're here.

[Nick] No, I'm here because of the little girl.

[Monroe] - Still haven't found her yet?

[Nick] - No. We haven't.

[Monroe]- Ah, look at this.

[Nick]- You know where she is.

[Monroe] Of course I don't know where she is. Did I not just tell you about my strict regimen?

[Nick] So how many of you Blutbads are there?

[Monroe] First off, the plural is Blutbaden. And I don't know. We don't socialize much. Bad things happen when we get into a pack. Especially when we see red.

[Nick] - So all those things I've been seeing...

[Monroe] - We're not things. Look, I'm a clockmaker, for God's sake. I don't go around abducting little girls.

[Nick] - Okay, then tonight in the backyard, you were marking your territory.

[Monroe] - I wasn't pissing on my fence for kicks.

[Nick] - Then there are more of you around here. Look, you may not know where she is, but you've got a pretty good idea who's got her.

[Monroe] - I don't bother the other Blutbaden, they don't bother me.

[Nick] - Guess what, pal? I'm not a Blutbaden. I'm a cop. And if you know who's got her, you had better tell me right now.

[Monroe] - Please don't threaten me.

[Nick] - I want to know who's got her.


Scène 26. Int. Nuit. (Chez le facteur)

[Le facteur cache Robin sous une trappe]

[Le facteur] - Don't be afraid. Do you like it? It's all yours.

[Robin] - I just want to go home.

[Le facteur] - You are home. What do you say we hang this up?

Do you want a chicken pot pie?


Scène 27. Ext. Nuit. (Dans la forêt)

[Nick] - I really think I should drive.

[Monroe] - No, I'm good.

[Nick] - If this is the same Blutbad that killed that woman in the woods...

[Monroe] - Well, assuming he fed yesterday, he'll be good for a week, maybe ten days, tops. He'll just use the time to fatten her up.

Whoa. I got a hit. We're close.

[Nick] - Did you really smell him?

[Monroe] - Dude, you have no idea.

... [Plan sur le facteur avec ses chaussures...]

[Monroe] - Okay, this is as far as we drive.

[Nick] - What, he's over there?

[Monroe] - Oh, he's real close.

[Nick] - What's that?

[Monroe] - Wolfsbane. So he won't sense us.

[Nick] - You're kidding me, right?

[Monroe] - Not if you want to stay alive.

What are you doing?

[Nick] - Well, you said he was over there.

[Monroe] - Why don't you just call him, tell him you're coming? This way.


[Nick] - Isn't this what the bridge is for?



[Monroe] Sorry.

[Nick] Do I need something like silver bullets?

[Monroe] What are you, an idiot?

[Monroe]That's his place.


[Nick] - What's happening?

[Monroe]I can't guarantee what'll happen if I go any closer.

[Monroe]It's too dangerous. I might be on your side. I might be on his side. I might even go after the girl. I'm sorry. But there's nothing more I can do. I'm out of here.


[Cell phone ringing]

[Hank, se réveil] - What?

[Nick] - I found her.


Scène 28. Int. Nuit. (Chez le facteur)



[Robin] - I want to go home.

[Le Facteur] - I told you, you are home.


Scène 29. Ext. Nuit. (Dans la forêt)

[Hank] - Where is he?

[Nick] - He's in a house on the other side of the stream. But you have to put some of this on first.

[Hank] - What the hell are you doing?

[Nick] - So he doesn't smell us.

[Hank] - We're not hunting deer. Where's backup?

[Nick] - You're the only one I called.

[Hank] - What?

[Nick] - I already cried wolf once. You think they're gonna believe me? Come on.



[Hank] - How'd you find this place?

[Nick] - Uh, the boots. I couldn't sleep, started looking at addresses, this is one of them.

[Hank] - What's his name?

[Nick] - Who?

[Hank] - The guy we're looking for.

[Nick] - I forgot.



[Hank] - You do know there's a bridge, right?


[Hank] - Man. You better be right this time, buddy. You saw his boot prints, right?

[Nick] - Yeah. Up there up by the house.

[Hank] - The exact match?

[Nick] - From what I could tell, yeah.

[Hank] - You run his plates?

[Nick] - I'm still waiting.

What's the matter? Do you not trust me?

[Hank] - Okay, let's do this.


Scène 30. Int. Nuit. (Chez le facteur)

[Le Facteur] - Good evening. Can I help you?

[Hank] - Sorry to disturb you, sir. I'm Detective Griffin. This is Detective Burkhardt. Do you have a few minutes?

[Le Facteur] - Of course. Would you like to come in?

[Hank] - That would be great.

♪ ♪

[Le Facteur] - We can sit in here.

[Hank] - Nice pillows.

[Le Facteur] - I did the needlepoint myself. Not that I tell everyone.

[Timer blares]

[Le Facteur] - Oh, pot pie's done. Just give me a moment, and then we can talk. Okay?

[Hank] - Are you kidding me?

[Nick] - Hank, I really believe this is the right guy


[Hank] - Excuse me, sir?

[Le Facteur] - Sorry it's taking so long, but you know how delicate crusts are.

[Hank] - What kind of work do you do?

[Le Facteur] - I work for the Government. Like you. I'm a postman. Not the most glamorous job, but I like it

[Nick] - Where were you between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 today?

[Le Facteur] - On my route. I'd like to know what this is all about.

[Nick] - This little girl went missing today.

[Le Facteur] - That's awful. You don't think I had anything to do with this, do you?

[Hank] - We have to run down every possibility.

[Le Facteur] - What possibility could have led you to me?

[Nick] - We're looking for a pair of boots.

[Le Facteur] - Feel free to look anywhere you want.


[Hank] - If this guy had something to hide, he would have kicked us out. I'm leaving. I want to keep my job.

[Humming Sweet Dreams

♪ ♪

[Le Facteur] - Anything else?

[Hank] - No. Thanks for your time. We'll see ourselves out.

[Nick] - Hank, I'm sorry. I really thought this time...

[Hank] - Wait. The song.

[Nick] - What song?

[Hank] - He was humming the same song, the one in the dead girl's iPod.





[Hank] - Hold it.



[Nick] - Where is she? Where is she?

[Le facteur] Grimm.

[Hank] - She's got to be in the house.

[Nick] - Robin!

[Hank] - Robin! Robin!

[Nick] - Robin!

[Hank] - She's not here. We're gonna have to call it in. I'll find the breaker.


[Nick] - Hank! Hank, she's here! It's okay, honey. We're police.

[Hank] - I don't know how you did it, but you did it.

[Nick] - It's okay now. We're gonna take you home.


Scène 31. Int. Nuit. (Hopital)

[Nick] - There's so much I don't understand. There's so many things I need to ask you. Look, I love Juliette. I don't want anything to happen to her. I want you to know, whatever it is I'm supposed to do, I'll do it.

[Nick] - You.



♪ disagree ♪ ♪ I travel the world ♪ ♪ And the seven seas ♪ ♪ Everybody's looking for something ♪ ♪ Some of them want to use you ♪ ♪ Some of them ♪ ♪ Want to get used by you ♪ ♪ Some of them want to be abused ♪

Scène 32. Ext. Nuit. (Dans la rue)

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - Is she dead?

[Adalind Schade] - No. He was there.

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - That's unfortunate. Just have to try again.

[Engine turns over]

[Capitaine Sean Renard] - Let's hope she doesn't wake up first.

♪ I'm gonna know ♪ What's inside you ♪


Ecrit par natas

Kikavu ?

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natas  (31.07.2018 à 16:21)

ah ça fait plaisir de voir du positif pour ce pilote !

Moi aussi j'ai tout de suite été plongé dans cet univers des Wesen !

et j'ai tout de suite adoré Monroe et Nick !

schumi  (31.07.2018 à 13:24)
Très bon épisode pilote très addictif. J'adore cette façon de revisiter la légende du grand méchant loup... surtout qu'il s'avère bien sympa au final. La tante de Nick est une warrior vraiment.


Merci aux 4 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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